Introducing our exquisite bouquet, a delightful combination of dried and silk flowers. Each bouquet is sustainably cultivated and carefully hand-tied, ensuring that every detail is lovingly attended to. Measuring 60 cm in length, this bouquet is elegantly presented in a kraft sleeve, adding a touch of rustic charm. With proper care, this everlasting bouquet has the potential to grace your surroundings with its beauty for up to 1 year. This lovely Dried & Silk Bouquet is available in 3 colors. Please bear in mind that dried flowers are natural and seasonal, which may result in variations in flower types and colors compared to the photo. Embrace the delightful surprises that come with these ever-changing botanical wonders and add a touch of enchantment to any space.
Introducing our exquisite bouquet, a delightful combination of dried and silk flowers. Each bouquet is sustainably cultivated and carefully hand-tied, ensuring that every detail is lovingly attended to. Measuring 60 cm in length, this bouquet is elegantly presented in a kraft sleeve, adding a touch of rustic charm. With proper care, this everlasting bouquet has the potential to grace your surroundings with its beauty for up to 1 year. This lovely Dried & Silk Bouquet is available in 3 colors. Please bear in mind that dried flowers are natural and seasonal, which may result in variations in flower types and colors compared to the photo. Embrace the delightful surprises that come with these ever-changing botanical wonders and add a touch of enchantment to any space.